Welcome from the CEO
Everyone remembers their school days. A favourite teacher, a favourite subject, a trip, a visit, being part of a team, or a first time experience. Our school days help shape our life choices and our life chances, from the examination results we get, to the life skills we develop and the people we become. Fundamentally, this is why choosing a school for your children is the most important decision you make as parents/carers. Your children only get one chance in their compulsory schooling, so it needs to be the best. Being the CEO of Tyne Coast Academy Trust is both a privilege but also a great responsibility, one that I can assure you I do not take lightly. The communities our Academies serve deserve the best and it is our passion to strive to provide exactly that.
In our Academies, all children are equal and all are different. We challenge them all to become the best version of themself they can. As much as success in the subjects they study, developing the character traits they need as young adults are fundamentally important to us. Modern society requires our young people to have respect, kindness, tolerance, organisation and resilience. These character traits are central to the development of the whole child and this is our passion. When we develop young people with character who achieve the best grades they can, then we can say they are life ready. Schools are not just exam factories, they must do more. In TCAT schools, we challenge our staff to go the extra mile to ensure their school days are happy, successful and memorable for all the right reasons.
Mike Collier BA, MA, NPQH
Chief Executive Officer